Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I'm sure you will all understand that I have been labouring ceaselessly in an effort to finish at least one (and hopefuly several!) photobooks by the deadline (midnight tonight!).  It's been quite a challenge, but as always,  I am more than equal to whatever is thrown in my path.

It would have been helpful if Scott had been here to pick up what little slack I may have left while focusing on this important task but unfortunately he has gone swanning about the country again doing various and sundry little jobs.  It is not in my nature to criticize, as those in the know already know, but it does seem as though I often do rather more than my share of the heavy lifting in the family.  I was saying as much to Scott the other morning as he was unpacking, doing laundry and repacking his suitcase.  I always give the devil his due, however, and I am pleased to report that he agreed that I do, indeed, keep the home fires burning brightly and that it is a great source of comfort to him to know this when he is on the road.  The man works far too hard, which is why he needs a partner like me.  I am always glad that I have been blessed with excellent homemaking skills and a sanguine temperment.  We are a match made in heaven!

But enough chit chat!  I must return to my labours, with renewed vigour after a morning of grocery shopping, tidying, hostessing (Jessie's friend has arrived and what a pleasant young man!) and many other small, but vital, household chores.

With a little luck, tomorrow I may be able to report a rousing success!

Good day to All!

P.S.  In honour of the season, today's photo is taken with my Iphone--a snapshot of the spring bulbs we have in pots in our foyer. I bought these on Sunday, all still young, tightly closed and spring green.  In the few days since, they have grown astonishingly fast and are beginning to burst into bloom.  I don't want to say it is creepy (I love flowers, after all)  but it isn't going too far to say that every time I pass through the foyer these plants appear to have grown a little bit more!  It's a little unnerving, if I am completely honest.  But, I am nothing if not a lover of nature, and this little corner of the outdoors, indoors, is a delight to behold!

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