Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Après Ski

We are back home now, but suffice to say....I still have what it takes!

 Yours Truly triumphantly riding up on the chair lift to the top of the bunny an expert hill.

  It is true that,  in spite of my childish dabbling youthful prowess on skis,  I had never actually been anywhere serviced by actual chair lifts or lifts of any kind.  The pathetic shoestring ski club  awesome little ski club to which I belonged as a youngster did have one very primitive tow rope (and by tow rope, I mean literally a raw, thick rope which towed a skier up the hill -  the friction of the coarse rope clutched against one usually burning one's jacket to a frayed remnant at waist level in the process. We had no t-bars or little handles of any sort.  One learned the hard way to figure out how to time grasping the rough rope while fitting one's skis into the deep ruts and tried not to get stuck on mild days so that the rope pulled all of you (and your skis) up the steep hill,  rather than simply yanking your upper body first, causing you to sprawl in an ungainly heap across the grooves less than 5 feet from the tow hut*).

At Big Powderhorn,  they have chair lifts!  And plenty of 'em!  I consider this to be a marvelous advance in ski technology and it is high time it was done!  It was deliciously relaxing riding up above the powdery whiteness, though a little unnerving to watch reckless snowboarders and novice skiers whizzing directly below my chair!  There was a momentary awkwardness when the silly chair reached the top and the foolish man there failed to stop the lift so that I could gracefully disembark,  but with my usual aplomb,  I nimbly hopped off and performed a very difficult and highly admired sit-ski** over to the top of the hill where my long-suffering spouse grabbed my arm and heaved me to my feet  where my dear husband exclaimed over my amazing technique!

I was greeted there by my two handsome sons,  both expert snowboarders, naturally (they are my sons, after all!).  We sporty people tend to pass our sporty genes on to the next generation.  You're welcome, kids.

Edward (l) and Kenneth

No sooner did I arrive at the top of the hill for my first descent, than these two little monsters  young imps pushed off down the corkscrew trail on the other side of the hill!

Unruffled,  I simply made it my business to badger  offer Scott some tips on skiing technique before launching myself down the hill.

Later, the boys and I met on top of an even higher run,  where I once again shared my helpful hints:

I think it is safe to say that,  thanks to my knowledgable presence, everyone had a wonderful time!

  *Not that this ever happened to me, of course.

**Technically, this means that I slid off the ramp after sitting down hard on my skis and could not get up again.  However, this is very difficult to do! (I got the hang of the lift exit maneuver eventually soon after!)


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