Before I begin the post you have all been waiting for, I have finally downloaded a photo I wanted to show you of the boys flying the kite at the beach.
This may very well be the pinnacle of your reading pleasure for today This will definitely pale in comparison to what will follow,
but I couldn't rest until I had dredged this photo up and pasted it here but I always feel it is a joy to share the simple pleasures of life. I am nothing if not generous about sharing!
Does this photo not simply radiate relaxation? I am always at the service of Those in the Know: ready, willing and able to provide a little pleasant diversion. Mind you, there is an overly ample supply of "diversion" at the beach, and not always of the most savory variety!
Those in the Know with a magnifying glass handy will note the presence of sunbathers and kayakers in the bottom right portion of the photograph. These people all managed to crowd around at every photo opportunity, in spite of my
loudly complaining remarks quietly meaningful glances in their direction. There are miles and miles of beach with plenty of room for all, yet these people persisted in popping up
every single time we blindly blundered into their little oases of beach tranquility in our mad dash after the kite we found we could have had the perfect photo! What an irritating nuisance! But, as TITK are well aware, I am the soul of patience and decorum. I refrained from chastising the offenders, simply maintaining a dignified composure as we hurried on down the beach leaving those beach bums scrambling to brush away kicked-up sand and untangle themselves from kite string.
I intended to write today about our sailing adventures, but it seems that I am out of blogging time! This tends to happen when one is on vacation yet still responsible for so many of the little tasks which ensure a wonderful time for everyone. I was saying as much to Scott last night as he was washing up in the kitchen: my work is never quite done, when so many depend upon me to keep the wheels of enjoyment and contentment smoothly turning! Nevertheless, I am nothing if not a dedicated wife, mother and hostess! I am off to the grocery store now to stock up
on all of my favorite treats on things that everyone likes to eat. Then, it will be back out to sea for another wonderful adventure! I will
maybe surely find time tomorrow to tell you all about it!
Good day to All!
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