I have exactly 25 minutes to compose this post and, as Those in the Know may be aware, it takes me considerably longer, usually, to write
anything remotely coherent my trademark crowd-pleasers! It is not only that
I am too lazy, too easily distracted, too ADD I am too flush with excellent ideas, but also that I
lack discipline, lack talent, lack focus am too busy. Nevertheless, with my characteristic
stubborn refusal to accept my limitations perseverance in the face of minor setbacks, I will make the supreme effort, for the sake of
my own enormous ego my many faithful followers. Don't mention it.
The Photo Project may be on the shelf, temporarily, but do not think that I have forgotten it nor that I am failing to keep an eye on it. I may have
flaked out totally needed a break from it, but I am still mentally preparing for the future work I have planned: namely, a) finishing the scanning and recording of photos and b) creating beautiful photo books for each of the children. I did manage to complete one book for one of the children from his birth to age 5, and it turned out quite nicely if I do say so myself! I was delighted with it, as a matter of fact, even though the publisher was really
mystified by my incessant questions sub-par. However, I've
dropped the ball totally since March been a little too busy to continue with the project this spring. The truth is, however, that spending hours every day gazing at photos of my children when they were small
almost suffocates me with a heartbreaking sense of grief and loss does get a little tedious after a few hundred photos. So, the new schedule for the Photo Project is firmly set for
whenever I bloody well feel like getting back to it next autumn, without fail! Stay tuned!
Dealing with the Health Craze is a bit more difficult. Unfortunately, as mentioned in my previous post, the requirements of "healthy living" are beyond inhuman, so let us not pretend that it "feels good". I am not a complainer, but my Friends in the Know will remember that I have been trying to lose weight and become more fit for at least 3 weeks now. It has not been easy. As a matter of fact, it has been quite challenging and not a little frustrating. I am sure that Those in the Know will be thoroughly shocked to learn that, in middle-age, Yours Truly cannot quite pull off feats of physical prowess while always looking her best in quite the easy way I once could. To state it more bluntly - I look like heck and I feel like heck, too! And by "heck", I mean H E double hockey sticks!
So, this is the best I can do today, my friends. Hopefully, tomorrow will bring
more food more inspiration but for today, this will have to do. No whining, now!
Good Day to All!
yay! you posted!!
ReplyDeleteLOL Such as it was!
ReplyDeleteHey, I think it was good!