Yes, I do realize that it is actually afternoon right now, new time, but I feel it is only sensible to ease oneself into these arbitrary switches in time zones. My body and mind preferred old time (especially those brighter mornings) and, while Those in the Know already know that I am not one to make a fuss, I must gently point out that this annual theft of an hour of our time is a terrible idea bordering on criminal.
"Spring forward, Fall back"- what idiotic nonsense! I don't mind the part which says 'fall back' in October, and indeed, that is an idea which has obvious merit, not to mention popularity, but the spring segment is clearly a serious clunker. Why not simply "fall back" in both fall and spring? Now that would be a truly inspired idea and I've no doubt that the people would stand enthusiastically behind it. Do I have to think of everything around here? It's so obvious! The stupidity and short-sightedness of our elected officials never ceases to amaze me.
Anyway, I am defying the powers that be and baking a pumpkin pie today. It is my plan to fool the olfactory centers in my family members' brains into thinking they actually gained an hour last night rather than lost it, by filling our home with delicious autumn aromas. That's the kind of helpful little thing I often do for my loved ones. Not everyone has the keen sort of mind which can imagine such a creative solution to bureaucratic madness, but I make it a habit not to shine light on the shortcomings of others. Astute readers will simply take this useful tip to heart and follow suit and nothing more will be said about it. You're welcome.
Photo Project Update: It's been a difficult weekend all round, if the truth be told. I've already shared with my most excellent readers what frustrations and aggravations I have endured with my latest photobook. I am nothing if not
But, Those in the Know already know that I am nothing if not resourceful, which means that I do not let the deficiencies of others limit my own productivity! I succeeded--beautifully, I'd say, if modesty did not prevent me from saying so--in completing a masterful work which is little short of poetry in pictures and layout. Any minor defects
Interestingly, I received a virtual blizzard of emails this morning claiming a new and improved version of MyPublisher for Macs, which apparently will address every single one of the issues I was having. Well, I'm sorry to say, but that is pure bosh. The version they claim will set all to rights is the very one I just downloaded! Although, it is possible that they have worked round the clock since hearing from me and have corrected the vexing issues. Actually, now that I think about it, that is probably exactly what happened! No doubt they have sent out the flurry of emails to thousands of grateful customers thanks to my helpful persistence in showing them the deficiencies in their product. Busy though I was, I was happy to help. If they have any decency at all, they'll mail me a substantial discount coupon for my trouble!
You may wonder how I rewarded myself for a job well done yesterday when the first photobook was finally, if imperfectly, in production. Certainly, almost nothing would be adequate recompense for the exquisite work I have done under incredibly trying circumstances, not to mention the priceless service I provided for mankind in the process (you're welcome, World) but my dear Friends in the Know probably already anticipate what I am about to announce:
I didn't take a break at all!
Yes, with my characteristic energy and peerless work ethic, I merely paused to make a fresh cup of tea before forging ahead with the next photobook! However, I am determined to avoid the difficulties I encountered the first time round, and so with that in mind, I decided to do a Google search to find a more Mac-friendly company to use for the production and publication of my hard work. I googled mac-friendly photobooks and was directed to an article in MacWorld which mentioned that if a Mac user is not satisfied with the Iphoto program for making photobooks, he or she could go to ...
Hold on just a minute there! Did you catch what I caught? "if a Mac user is not satisfied with the Iphoto program for making photobooks...". Yes, I was quite surprised, too --who knew? heh heh--and did a further search to discover where one might find this Iphoto book program, thinking it is exactly the sort of thing I need!
Imagine my surprise and
I'm sure Those in the Know will cheerfully join with me in agreement that sometimes it is the company which claims to have the most user-friendly and simple approach to the computer age that tends to let down the side now and then on the most straightforward responsibilities toward its customers. I don't like to criticize, no matter how well-deserved the criticism, but sometimes one must do the right thing and just speak the truth: Apple clearly dropped the ball here, failing to communicate effectively with its customers about its
I'm disappointed in Apple, but I am a forgiving woman. I plan to
So, without further ado, I will sign off here and
Good Day to All!
*alert people in the know will have caught the clever pc reference to an even less helpful and more frustrating operating system. I suppose things could be worse and I could have one of those! Thank the gods for small mercies!
Today's Photo (I don't think we should be slaves to logic and order, as I am sure Those in the Know will agree, so I have taken the liberty of choosing a photo I happened upon during a recent hour of random photo-file jumping):
look at that poor, fat-faced child.
ReplyDeleteI love that picture. Little girls, wearing things on their heads (do I see earrings?) and looking out at the world, thinking and dreaming...
ReplyDeleteIt brings back memories. :-)
I agree, Karen! Beautiful, dreaming, hoping, thinking child!!
ReplyDelete:D great post and great picture!